Model 18

SKU: 2025-03_18 Category:


Model 18 “Attack-Survival”

7 1/2″ stainless steel blade with sawteeth
brass oblong hilt
tubular stainless steel handle, knurled
brass threaded butt cap with compass
black leather sheath


Blade length of 7 1/2″ or 5 1/2″ with sawtooth edge on top (sawteeth not offset). Approx 4 3/4″ stainless steel tubular handle, 1″ diameter, silver soldered to 1/4″ oblong brass hilt, fitted with removable, threaded brass butt cap and waterproof “O” ring. Flared holes in top and bottom of hilt accommodate wrist thong.

Additional information

Weight 48 oz